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Testing Policies

Photo ID(s) are required for all testing. Valid forms of identification accepted include any current driver’s license, state ID, passport, or Military ID.

Electronic devices and personal belongings are prohibited in the testing room. Examinees will be provided a locker to store these items.

Food and beverages are not allowed in the testing room. Please dispose of these items prior to entering the Testing Center.

Tests will be administered without interruption unless otherwise approved by an authorized department or test sponsor.

Testing fees must be made by personal check or money order. Cash, credit, and debit cards are not accepted.

The Testing Center and rooms are continuously monitored via video surveillance.

Standards of Conduct Heading link

The Office of Testing Services is committed to adhering to the guidelines for academic integrity and the student code of conduct at the University of Illinois at Chicago. All clients of the Testing Center are required to abide by the UIC Standards of Conduct.

Instructors and professional organizations expect examinees to take their test in a secure environment that eliminates the opportunity for academic dishonesty. Under no circumstances is cheating allowed in the Testing Center.

Valid photo identification is required for all exams. Examination by proxy is a violation of the student code of conduct.

Failure to comply with requests from university officials and abuse of university facilities and property are subject to disciplinary action.